Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Don't tell the FDA

Medical claims made by this bottle of orange honey:

  • Fortalece los nervios | Fortifies the nerves
  • Aumenta la defensa | Improves immune system
  • Gran apetito | Increases appetite
  • Combate los resfriados | Fights colds
  • Elimina el insomnio | Eliminates insomnia
  • Limpia la garganta | Cleans the throat
  • Fortalece el higado y los intestinos | Fortifies the liver and intestines
  • Alivia los ataques do diarrea | Alleviates diarrhea


  1. You had better bring a few crates of that back home with you; there's not much it doesn't do. (I'm so glad I found your blog! The header image makes me so Colorado-proud and gives me chills.)

  2. Thanks crow! I am still learning to be a responsible blog owner (ie actually posting)...
